THIS IS MY BLOG!!!!! might have a bunch of personal stuff.. DO NOT reach out to me about anything on here . most of the time it'll be something small and i'll get over it quick

JUNE 15 2024
ough.. so tired.. i need to work on my sleep schedule!
ive been playing alot of danganronpa 3 and it kinda sucks! ryoma and kirumi are the only characters i like.. and maybe kaede! i only like the class trials, every other part of the game tires me out.. although i do like some of the writing . i dont fw kokichi though fuck that guy
i wonder.. hm.. i wonder if suda51 is gonna get back with hideo kojima..

JUNE 17 2024
still tired... still didnt get any sleep... but i need to work on my website!! ive been drinking alot of monsters but i dont think thats good for me . but i dont really care they're really yummy!
Mmm... Cooomputer addict.. ive been chugging baja blasts to stay awake! and ive been eating a few thigns . like cereal. and mac and cheese. but thats it! great food choices i have..
hidesuda thinking right now.. AND MY CODE IS BEING DUMB!!! GAAAAHHh!!!
i wish i was an adult sometimes.. then i could buy my own stuff and get food whenever i want to.. my birthdays in a few days!!! SO COOL...

JUNE 18 2024
just cut out a huge chuck of my hair cuz im bad at taking care of it... rip random chunk of hair that had a huge knot in it!

JUNE 21 2024
i have no brain . all i think about is suda51 and energy dirnk
lots of complicated things happen on friday... lend me 50,000 yen!
ive been watching the jackass movies with my sister they've been Amazing

JUNE 21 2024
i am now realizing many people hate me because i am "CRINGE" . but whatepver ... i do what i do because i am happy....

JUNE 23 2024
ive been too tired to type here Oops

JULY 13 2024
it couldn't be going any worse,.,. sigh.,. i'll be more active on here i guess

JULY 15 2024
wow!!! ive had this blog fpr a month!! isnt that crazy?
i got contacts today and they're so weird.. i hate it so much!!!
i updated the layoyt isnt it so cool

JULY 16 2024
lalalaalalalalalalalalaaa Wait what even is a blog. am i doing this correctly . i dont even care at this point
drinking energy drinks and listening to music while coding my website never fails to make me happy X3
i literally cannot do this anymore im so sick and tired im so so upset i cannot live anymore oh my god

JULY 24 2024
im getting my haircut tomorrow!!!


oops! looks like i havent been on here for a while!!! >_< sorry! ive been so focused on marching band & school! i cant believe its already september...

i did my hair so good proud of myself!
first marching band competition of the season in a week!! im so tired... i need to focus on my marching a tiny bit more